Volunteer Opportunities

How can you benefit from volunteering with Blount County youth court?

Although community service hours will be earned, the personal benefits far outweigh the time and effort this program requires. Participating youth court members will learn about and grow in leadership, compassion and service.

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Positions you can volunteer for

Student Juror

Teenagers who volunteer to sit on the Youth Court decide the sentence for other teens who admitted to committing a first time, non-violent offense. These teen volunteers are trained to base their sentences on the Principles of Restorative Justice:

The teenager learns that bad decisions affect many people and that you have to take responsibility for your actions through personal accountability.

The teen who caused the harm learns how to make better decisions, enhancing competency.

If a teen has a good relationship with her family, school, or community, she will not act out against them. By connecting or reconnecting the youth to her family, school, or community, you build a relationship that reduces the likelihood of acting out against the community.

For the youth who volunteer, Youth Court inform and educate young people about the role of law in our democracy and about their role as active citizens. Volunteers learn about court procedures, sentencing options, trial techniques, structure of the justice system, the meaning of justice and relationships between rights and responsibilities.

Young people who are equipped with knowledge of the law and how it works within the judicial system are inclined to have a better understanding of their connection to the American system of justice. The youth feel that they are participants not potential victims.

Adult Volunteers

Adult volunteers are needed to help our teenagers hear cases and reach consensus on the ultimate disposition. They are trained on the principles of Restorative Justice and attend hearings. They make sure that the questioning is focused and that the disposition is advancing the objectives of Restorative Justice as opposed to punishment. Attorneys and law students are encouraged to volunteer, but legal training is not necessary.

"I will forever be grateful for the experience as a Youth Court juror. Youth Court has allowed me to influence the youth in a positive manner."

Iman Coffin

"What I love about this program is that it is a safety net for all youth with minor offenses. The Blount County Youth Court is influential, positive, and life-changing."

D'Artagnan Rullan

Juror Scholarship Opportunity

A $2,000 scholarship has been awarded to a senior graduating juror since 2015.

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